Thursday, 20 December 2012

Walking and clicking


Photographing while you are on walk is one of the best way to photograph. Today I was feeling bored, which made me to walk a bit near my house. I took my camera and went on a walk. I found the nature around very pleasing. I snapped some pictures which may please you people. 

 Photographing colorful flowers can not only make your image look beautiful. Today I just found some small flowers which were not too colorful, like the one above but can act as a good subject for my pictures. I had set a lower F stop number (higher aperture) and focused on the subject which resulted in good bokeh. 

First time I had seen a flower like the one above. A tiny flower inside another flower. The pink color of the flower had a great effect on the image. I had purposely made the image dark as it added a unique touch to the image. I also like capturing silhouettes, and I actually captured one of a tree.

Thanks for reading and I am always ready for your comments guys. I found out some quotes on Photography from Brainy Quote (source) which I want to show you.

Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still. 

-Dorothea Lange

Photography is more than a medium for factual communication of ideas. It is a creative art.
-Ansel Adams

Photography is truth. The cinema is truth twenty four times per second.

-Jean Luc Godard


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Malini! I hope to publish still better stuff!
      Do check out other stuff..



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